After being involved in a Boy Scout accident at the age of 12 that damaged his teeth, Dr. Tanner later considered going to dental school. After receiving porcelain veneers, he was able to see first-hand how they transform both aesthetics and self-confidence. Today, he offers a unique holistic approach to veneers.
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Veneers is what made me want to become a dentist. When I was 12 years old I was in a Boy Scout accident where two of my teeth were ripped out and the other teeth were chipped and broken, and dealing with the bonding and them needing to be replaced and the color's not matching and having the gaps, I never was happy with my smile. And then as I was considering dental school, I was able to have veneers put on my teeth and I changed how I felt. I was able to have more confidence and smile better and just really enjoy smiling with people.
That was over 25 years ago and they're still holding up strong. The technology of porcelain veneers and what's so exciting is being a holistic dentist and wanting to preserve natural tooth structure, most of the time I don't even have to drill on the tooth at all. It's like a contact lens that can fit over the tooth like a veneer would, and when it's bonded it's stronger than anything we can do because we bond it to the enamel. We don't weaken the tooth and we just change the shape and the color and the aesthetics of someone's smile. It truly is a makeover that I feel is the most bang for your buck.
There's a transformation when you do veneers on someone. I had a great privilege of this young man who had a huge gap in his teeth and had a gummy smile and so with the CO2 laser we were able to reframe his gums and then put on veneers without even touching his teeth, no shots, no drilling. We have these reflective windows on the front of our office, when he left he was the tough 18-year-old boy and he looked in the reflection and saw his smile for the first time without us knowing we were watching, he just broke into tears. He was so excited. He went on to do a service mission for his church and he wrote me a letter saying, "I have so much confidence talking to people and I just want to let you to know a year later I'm still smiling bigger than I ever have in my whole life."